Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I don't like where this is headed

Yesterday the Senate Rules Committee passed the bill that refers a constitutional amendment to increase the Oregon tobacco tax to the voters this next November.

I'm just beside myself. This means the horse is out of the barn and makes it more likely that the tobacco tax will be raised. In fact, it nearly guarantees it.

Republican leader Wayne Scott is holding firm, though. Here's what he told the Oregonian newspaper:

"House Minority Leader Wayne Scott, R-Canby, said it would be 'dead wrong' to refer the tobacco tax increase to the ballot. 'It's our job to make the decisions,' he said. 'I think we do a disservice here by referring it to voters.'"


Meanwhile, the House Democratic leadership is also moving a referral. Theirs would require a super-majority vote, which needs they need five Republicans. Given that Healthy Kids is a top prority for Democrats, it's clear that I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

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